Emma Sharon Rich

The Penny Prophecy
Turning a Blind Eye
Author Appearances

About Emma...



Emma Sharon Rich wrote her first novel when she was five years old--it was illustrated in crayon and bound with Scotch tape. The book itself--a stirring tale of a girl named Mary whose favorite tree had beans growing on it--did not make much of a splash in the literary scene, but this only spurred Emma on to write more. Finally, after years of exhaustive toil and sacrifice, she decided she'd better start writing about something other than beans, so she began to write fantasy novels instead. Her two subsequent novels, The Penny Prophecy and Turning a Blind Eye, have been much better received by the reading public.
Emma was born in Uppsala, Sweden, and has lived all over the United States, including Milwaukee, Albuquerque, Philadelphia, Oregon, New York, and Missouri. She holds Bachelors degrees in both Speech-Language Pathology/Communicative Disorders and English Literature, has earned a Masters degree in British Renaissance Literature, and is currently pursuing her doctorate in Renaissance literature and Shakespeare. She teaches English Composition and literature at the University of Missouri while she writes her novels, and spends her (very rare) free time on her various hobbies: horseback riding, scuba diving, fine wine and dining and watching bad science fiction movies (well, she likes the good ones, too!).

Links and Favorites...

Favorite author? Patricia McKillip

Favorite music? Changeable...at the moment she favors Evanescence and Train

Favorite animal? The wolf.

Good fun: Check out Why Would I Sleep for some dynamite writing, visit funnyman Eddie Izzard for sidesplitting hilarity, and scope out the latest movie reviews and news at Rotten Tomatoes.

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